So now that you know my shift pattern I thought I would fill in some of the blanks and take you through what I do when not rowing. My first off shift for the day starts at 0900 and this is usually when I have breakfast. This is normally either porridge or custard and berries, 2 of the only things worth eating in the morning. Once I have cooked and eaten that it is into the cabin for a good stretch session and a massage with my trusty trigger point massage ball, great for the places you can’t reach yourself. This takes about 20 minutes and is well worth doing as I feel like a new person after it. Then it is on to a good baby wipe bath, it is essential to have good personal hygiene, especially living in such close quarters. Once I am all clean it is time to apply new Sudocream and Bodyglide and then I am almost ready to hit the oars again. A good coverage of sun cream is just smart and then if I have time a quick cat nap or a puzzle. Then back on the oars at 1100 for another 2 hour stint.
All good today the wind finally came around to the north and is now pushing us along nicely, yesterday we made 74 miles and making better time today so we expect to make 80+ today. Can’t write much more no sun and light wind means our batteries are vey low. I will update in more detail in a couple of days when the sun comes out. Point to point distance travelled by 6.30pm on day 4 = 127km / 69nm Lazarote in sight! Mike
I hit the gym again this morning for my 3rd outing on the rowing machine and […]