Today marks the one month to go for the start of my next big adventure and the biggest solo expedition of my life.  I have been planning expeditions and adventures for years so  I have a good idea of what needs to be done in advance but somehow whenever the final month comes around the days appear to be cut in half as they fly by like an out of control freight train hurtling towards the departure deadline.

The lead in to ths trip, so far, has been different to any before, partially due to the short run into it, after my enforced change of plans back in February, but also because I have not been 100% healthy or fit for the past few months.

Today I had the MRI resutls for a knee injury which has shown up some tendon damage in my left knee and I have also had a resurgence of the sinus infection which has been hindering my training for the past 12 weeks and even after being blasted with antibiotics doesn’t want to budge!

But ever positive I will be ready in time and I will be confident in my ability to complete the trip and as soon as I slide into my boat and seal my spray deck in Cobh on the morning of June 4th I will have done everything I can to make sure I am ready.

Although physically I have not been able to prepare as well as I would have liked I am working hard on other areas of preparation, accumulating my kit, studying charts and tides and making valuable contacts around the coast.

Good old paper charts, the only way to navigate and plan

On the kit front I have managed to get the support of some fantatic companies and have by now got almost everything sorted (more on my sponsors soon).  The final piece that I am still working on is my food plan and with daily fuel needs of 5,000 caalories I am carefully planning out daily rations that will ensure I am fit and healthy for the duration of the trip.

A selection of my kit from Cascade designs

I will be blogging much more regualrly over the coming weeks to keep everybody up to date on the final prepartions which will include a circumnavigation of Valentia Island next weekend, weather permitting!


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  1. Hello Mike,

    Well done to you and best of luck with health&fitness over the coming weeks and wish you all the best in your solo adventure. Will probally be there to see you off on the 04th June.

    Keeping up with the Jones hey.


  2. Hi mike , sounds like a great adventure, we will keep an eye out for off the west cork coastline.

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