Day 22
Great to have the cabin back to myself for sleep last night, even of it was only for 2 hours at a time, it is so much cooler and you can stretch out properly. Also nice to the back rowing and making some miles although with a cross wind we are not making great miles. We should be back close to where we went on sea anchor within about 24 hours and then finally back on track for Barbados.
Matt took a fit and had a Derado craving at about 1200 so we stopped again for a spot of fishing. I think the fish have figured us out though as after catching 2 they were very cautious of the lure, I think we might have to reconfigure the fishing gear and change the lure to confuse them again.
Matt also had to jump in the water and unwrap a section of the sea anchor retrieval line which was snagged in the centre board. It had cut a groove in the board preventing us from lifting it was also dragging in the water slowing the boat slightly. He got it sorted pretty quickly and then it was another tasty fresh fish lunch.
After letting the laptop charger dry out I testing it and after some smoke and sparks we made the decision to cut it open. Once I cracked it open Pedro and I spent a while diagnosing the problem. We think we identified the problem but will have to wait until tomorrow to get it fixed, fingers crossed!
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not only good fisherman bot a sparky too