It has been a frustrating few days for the crew in Morocco, our big send off on Thursday turned out to be premature.  After less than a mile it was quickly apparent that the forecast did not match up with the conditions and making no progress we took the decision to return to the marina.  It was a blow to morale but it was the correct decision as we are too close to land to row into a head wind.

So after spending Thursday night on the boat in the marina we awoke to flat calm conditions.  After the usual wait to to clear passport control it was 0940 before we rowed out of the marina for what we hoped to be the last time.  After making great time for the first couple of miles into a 15 knot head wind we all thought this was it, next stop Barbados.

Alas no, as we cleared the sheltered part of the bay and rowed past the ships at anchor the swell and wind increased yet again.  At around 4 miles off shore it was apparent that ye again we were rowing to almost stand still.  Although we can make slow progress the north west wind is slowly pushing us off course.  Out in the ocean this would not be a concern as we would set the sea anchor and ride it out.  But only 4 miles off shore we cannot set the sea anchor as we will end up on a beach after 3 or 4 hours.

So again the tough but ultimately safe and sensible decision was made and we turned again to return to the marina.  Another blow to morale but we have learned a lot about the boat and crew from our 2 false starts.  We have to stay positive and look at our 2 days as sea trials from which can take great confidence in the ability of the crew to stick together and work as a team.  We can also take great confidence in Sara G, so far she has been rock solid and performed exactly as how we expected.

It looks like our departure will be delayed until at least Monday but with unseasonal weather all over the Atlantic it could be longer.  So we all need to be patient and pick the perfect moment to depart.

On a good note I will be able to get some video of the boat up over the next few days.  So check back for some updates on how we will live on board, once we eventually get to sea!

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