Look like we have picked up the beginning of the trade winds jut as predicted and we are rowing downhill in 3-4m swell making about over 4mph which will put us up for a 90+ mile day! It was a pretty cold night and we were getting splashed by the waves as we rowed so it was not much fun but with a little bit of adrenaline in the system the time flies by.

My new favorite piece of kit is my Palm Equipment ‘Tasman’ dry top which was kindly sponsored by www.greatoutdoors.ie , I wore it all night and all the lads are jealous of me being so warm and dry inside it, looks like I will be wearing it for the next few days too as this weather is to keep up. The daily routine has also changed slightly with the rough seas as we now have to keep the hatches closed at all times, this is a Major safety feature of the boat as if it was to capsize it relies on the airtight cabins to self right.

It mean movement and talk onboard is seriously limited but I will take that for a few days if we start to clock up serious mileage.


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  1. mike, me and oisin are loving the installments. you are fast becoming a legend. hope the sore bits are still very limited. take care

  2. 90+ miles… are you sure ye haven’t an engine stashed somewhere??.. UNREAL GOING LADS Keep her Lit!!

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