Land here again –

Still on Sea Anchor Today with no email facilities… Maybe Denis O’Brien could hook them up 😉

Since Mike can’t update the site we thought we would fill you all in on some things you may not know about the trip and what things are like aboard the Sara G.

We have also added in some oldie photos of mike to keep in interesting!


They are drifting back to where they were on the 26th…. T

he good news is that 1 days rowing should see them right again once the wind, swell and currents change. If you can remember back to when the set off from Agadir, They turned back twice. The reason for this appears obvious now. They could have rowed all day and all night and then ended up back in Agadir if they had to use the Sea Anchor.

Sara G from a different angle:

Pedro’s Blog

We’ve  learnt from Pedro’s blog that they managed to catch a 3ft Barracuda at 6am on the 27th of January, the other morning whilst on the sea anchor.

See the post here Pedro also talks about Number 1’s and Number 2’s and how that works on board the Sara G. Click here for the full story

We have found it really interesting reading Pedro’s blog as it gives a different viewpoint on things aboard the Sara G. Well done Pedro!

We have also received some really great photos of Mike in his younger days which show him involved with the Atlantic since he was a nipper. They are further down the page. It’s great to have photos when we can’t receive photos from the boat, so ff you have any photos of mike doing something active, or just plain funny send them on to us and we will post them on next weeks weekly update. Video as well. I know there is kayaking video footage around somewhere if someone could send a link that would be great!

World Ocean Rowing Website:

On the bottom of the front page you will find short daily summaries from aboard the Sara G

Weather / Wind / Sea Temperature Charts:

CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WEATHER It’s quite interesting really, they left Morocco with a sea temperature of approximately 16 degrees celcius and now they are  in water which is deeper but at a higher temperature: 22-24 degrees Celcius. Well I thought it was amazing, but maybe I am a climatology geek.

Words of Encouragement:

Your comments and emails have been fantastic, so keep them coming.

I would like to mention 2 in particular from the sponsors:

ICSE Security Excellence –

“Incredibly proud of you Mike and the rest of the crew. You’ve done in 16 days what few if any of us will ever do, you should be incredibly proud of all you have done so far. We are delighted to be associated with the project and are busy singing your praises to all who will listen. We follow the updates and congrats for not running out of stuff to talk about (As if that was ever going to happen) Dig in now, I know the toughest days are out there, lurking somewhere, but I also know you are more than a match for them. Be safe, we look forward to talking to you soon”.

Thank you to ICSE for sponsoring Mike on this huge adventure. Without sponsors like these, this trip wouldn’t be possible.

 If you know anyone out their would like to get involved in sponsoring Mike, please contact us soon!


Also don’t forget to Donate, It’s not something Mike mentions all that often but all of this effort needs to amount to some good cash for his chosen charities.


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  1. Hi to all the team. I am not a sailor or rowing person,but read about your fantastic challenge in a magazine ‘outsider’ I picked up in Great Outdoors. Since then I have been tuning into see how your getting on every day and recounting to my children what a real challenge is all about.
    I think you are all so brave and the strength of character required to be achieving since a courageous goal, leaves us all in augh !!
    Keep up the great work and row,row ,row your boat safely across the sea, merrily,merrily,merrily life is oh such a dream !!

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