No Tom Hanks here I’m afraid just more news on the upcoming fundraising events.

This coming weekend will see our local forest a wash with Lycra clad hill runners working up a sweat on the arduous 12km of mountain trails.  The race is being organised by Barbara Clancy who is a  local hill runner and adventure racer and will see enthusiasts from all over the country testing themselves and their lactic threshold as they scale the mighty Crag hill.   The proceeds from the event are being donated to Atlantic 5000 and I am extremely grateful that the organisers chose me to donate the money.  If you are interested in participating or just like watching people torture themselves in Lycra full details of the event can be found on

On the same topic of fundraising runs I am finalising plans for the Killaloe 5 mile fun run on the 13th December this week.  The event has attracted a lot in interest so far and it promises to be a great day out.  I drove the route a couple of days ago, it is funny how these things look so flat on a map!  Today though I had a visit at work from a very nice local lady who had some great stories for me, especially of her own Atlantic crossing a couple of years back.  She has shown great enthusiasm for the row and gave me the idea of a novelty side to the fun run,  so not only will we have prizes for the top ladies and top  gents in the run, we will also have prizes for the first Mr & Mr.s Claus across the line.  So if you fancy some festive fun get your Santa suit out, dust it off and get yourself to Killaloe on Sunday the 13th December.  Remember though this is a fun run so no flying reindeer or sleighs allowed!

If you are not into Lycra of running in general then you might fancy putting you poker face to the test.  On Friday the 11th December there will be a Texas Holdem Poker Classic in O’Donovan’s bar, Ballina, Co. Tipperary.  Proceeds from the night go towards Atlantic 5000 so if you think you can bluff with the best of them come along, great cash prises on the night.

More on fundraising events and sponsors coming up in the next couple of days, watch this space…


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